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Orthopedic Support Pocket Spring Mattress
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Pocket Spring Series Mattress
Harder, Stronger, More Ergonomic
Orthopedic Support has a harder and stronger mattress surface with its Propocket 2.1 special spring system, provides the right support by gripping the body in the best way. Although the surface of the mattress is hard, there is no deterioration in its orthopedic structure. While the zoned body suspension system, which provides the necessary support to the shoulders, hips and joints, helps to reduce fatigue, it provides extra comfort with its comfort-enhancing pad.
Woolmark® in its fabric, with its breathable structure, relaxes the heartbeat and balances the body temperature. The Fresche® feature of its fabric reduces the risk of dust mite allergy and prevents the formation of bad odor caused by bacteria. With Yataş-exclusive spring technology and other superior features, Orthopedic Support brings a new interpretation to the firm mattress preference and carries the sleep quality even further.